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Election Observation Mission in Azerbaijan 09.03.2018
        On 5th of February, the president of Republic of Azerbaijan announced early presidential election to be held on 11th of April. Following part II of the Order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, dated February 5, 2018, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan (CEC) decides to appoint Early Presidential Elections to 11th of April 2018.

       Following an invitation to observe the Early Presidential Elections on 11 April 2018 by the Central Election Commission GISDI is organizing an international election observation mission. The mission is headed by Mihail Mirchev, Dr. Sc. The analytical Core team of the mission consists of political, legal, election, media and civil society analysts. The election day, the day pre- and post e-day will be observed by 70 short term observers – all of them are Members of Parliament, university professors mainly from South-Eastern Europe.

       The purpose of the mission is to assess democracy and fairness of the electoral process, election campaign environment, preparation and organization of the elections as well as e-day and post e-day activity. To achieve its purpose GISDI is planning to:
  • Monitor the Azerbaijan election administration institutions – Central Election Commission (CEC), Constituency Election Commissions (ConEC), Precinct Election Commissions (PEC) in the period of election campaign, on the election day and the day after e-day;
  • Media monitoring
  • Conduct a set of in-depth interviews with key interlocuters: (A list of meetings is annexed to this report.)
-    representatives of election administration and other state institutions;
-    candidates’ and media representatives;
-    civil society and business organizations;
-    domestic election observers.

        Based on the obtained information, different points of view and assessments of campaign and electoral process GISDI will give recommendations for further improvement of the electoral process and democratization.

       GISDI understands its responsibility to CEC, to international standards of democratic elections, to Azerbaijan civil society in conducting the election observation mission – reporting findings and giving recommendations for further improvement.


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